Welcome to Noomi Rapace Online, your premiere resource on the Swedish actress. Best known for her performances as Lisbeth Salander in the original "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" film trilogy, "Prometheus" and the recent Indie hit "Lamb", Noomi Rapace has emerged as one of the most exciting European actresses of the last years. This fansite provides all latest news, photos, editorials and video clips on her past and present work.  Enjoy your stay and check back soon.

Hello! My name is Marie, and I am the new owner here at Noomi Rapace Online. I would like to start by thanking Frederik and Flaunt for allowing me to adopt this wonderful site, which I’ve been a big fan of for many years now! I’m really excited about taking it over, and I have a lot of big plans for the site which I can’t wait to share with you all, including a new layout that will be lauched tomorrow.

I’m going to merge my collection of Noomi photos with the current collection that the site has, and I plan on upgrading all the photoshoots and event photos with higher quality versions. All I ask for is a teensy bit of patience while I get it all ready. You can follow our twitter account for all the latest updates!
