Welcome to Noomi Rapace Online, your premiere resource on the Swedish actress. Best known for her performances as Lisbeth Salander in the original "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" film trilogy, "Prometheus" and the recent Indie hit "Lamb", Noomi Rapace has emerged as one of the most exciting European actresses of the last years. This fansite provides all latest news, photos, editorials and video clips on her past and present work.  Enjoy your stay and check back soon.

In the past days I have received quite an amount of emails addressed to Noomi will all kinds of questions and inquiries. As it’s stated on the site, the given email address is of course not Noomi’s, but the webmaster’s email address for website purposes. Therefore, no emails that are dediacted to Noomi to this email address will be forwarded or answered. To give fans and organisations a guideline on how to contact Noomi, I’ve created a contact page that includes addresses of Noomi’s American and Swedish management.
